

Ideas for fundraising

Like all charities, the success of MAHECAS UK depends on your generosity and support. There are many ways you can help MAHECAS UK, and in doing so, you will be helping improve health services in Malawi. Here are some ideas.

Donate to our current project

Make regular donations

Donating regularly will allow us to continue our good work in Malawi. Even as little as £5 a month can go a long way to helping the Malawian medical services. The simplest way to donate is through our ‘Just Giving’ page. Click here to find out more ways to donate to our work across Malawi.

Attend our fund‑raising events

Our events serve multiple purposes. As well as raising funds to be put to good use in Malawi, they include a strong social element. They are always fun events, allowing you to meet many people. As well as having fun, attendees know they are directly helping Malawi. Click here to see our upcoming events.
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Help organise fundraising events

Organising events is a very worthwhile activity bringing great satisfaction. Organising a MAHECAS UK event means the rewards of your hard work do not stop when the event finishes. As well as making several new friends along the way, you will benefit from knowing your event has raised funds to help some of the poorest people on this planet, and healthcare services across Malawi.

Involve your friends and colleagues

Involving your friends and colleagues will give you yet more to share with them. At the same time, you will expand your circle of friends and acquaintances. The extra support will allow the work of MAHECAS UK to continue and expand. We appreciate all your support to allows us continue our work in Malawi.

Introduce your friends and family

Introducing others to MAHECAS UK allows them to enjoy the benefits of this society. You can easily recommend this website to them, or they can contact us directly. They can then feel the satisfaction of helping us achieve our aims. To support us or if you have a query not covered on this website, contact us.

Join us or volunteer

Joining us entitles you to several benefits, with the knowledge that your money is aiding health care for Malawians. As well as invites to all our functions, you also have the opportunity to attend and vote at the Annual General Meeting.

At MAHECAS UK, our volunteers and members work together in all our focus areas. Our volunteers bring to us an enormous range of skills and expertise to make our organisation stronger. We encourage you to sign-up as a volunteer today. Together, we can improve health services in Malawi, and make a positive change in many lives. We are grateful for your support.

Some reasons to join us


    Your support will go a long way to help some of the poorest people on this planet, and healthcare services in Malawi.


    Aside having a wonderful sense of achievement, you put your skills and time to good use, and also expand your network.


    Your continued contributions will make it possible for us to continue to fulfill our commitments in Malawi over the years.


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