You are invited to the MAHECAS Bowling Day Out on Saturday 27th November 2021 at 4pm. Location is Hollywood Bowl, Thurrock, Lakeside, The Quay, W Thurrock Way, West Thurrock, Grays RM20 2AD.
Charges are in 2 categories.
- £40 includes attendance, 2 games of bowling, a meal and a drink. Please book by 21st November 2021.
- £25 attendance including a meal and a drink. Please book by 25th November 2021.
Payment should be made to MAHECAS Account Number: 10020876 Sort Code: 16-00-07 and confirm by text to 07909 337 655 including your payment reference.
RSVP to Ken 07909 337 655
To download the event flyer, please click on this link.