MAHECAS raises funds for patient transport equipment at QECH

The MAHECAS Charity Gala Buffet & Dance, which was held on Saturday the 7 May 2016 in the Evolution Suite @ Old Trafford, Manchester United Ground, raised over £2,000 in aid of MAHECAS activities.

All proceeds of the event will go towards the provision of patient transportation equipment at the Adult Emergency Trauma Department, Queen Elizabeth Central Hospital (QECH) in Blantyre, MALAWI.

Currently the department, which handles about 1,750 patients a week, faces major shortages in patient trolleys and wheelchairs. In view of patient load, transportation equipment easily experiences wear and tear. This makes the equipment not fit for the purpose. MAHECAS, decided to intervene and raise funds to buy the following equipment;

  • 15 wheelchairs
  • 30 patient trolleys
  • 7 Resuscitation trolley
  • And other small items that are desperately required at the Department

The main attraction of the night was the auction of a Manchester United replica shirt signed by Wayne Rooney with a certificate of authenticity, including a matching hologram kindly donated Manchester United.

The auction of the T Shirt raised £500 and MAHECAS management would like to extend its gratitude to Manchester United for the kind donation. MAHECAS would also like to thank Miss Malawi UK for donating a football kit (for twelve players) which was auctioned at £380.

Please click on the pictures below to see the current condition of some of the equipment at the department.


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